What is the history of the apiaries?

Apiaries have been found in ancient Egypt since before 2422 BC. C., where the hives were built with molded clay.

What is the history of the apiaries?

Apiaries have been found in ancient Egypt since before 2422 BC. C., where the hives were built with molded clay. Throughout history, apiaries and bees have been kept for honey and pollination purposes around the world. An official website of the United States government Official websites use.

gov A. The gov website is owned by an official United States government organization. There is evidence that bar hives already existed in the Greeks. The bars placed on a bee container (hive) encouraged bees to build a honeycomb from the bars.

The bees attached the honeycomb to the bar and to one side of the container. To remove the bar, it was necessary for the beekeeper to cut the honeycomb from the side of the container before lifting the hive frame. So the idea of a bar hive wasn't new. Bees had also been observed behind glass.

From Huber's point of view, observation in a single honeycomb behind glass did not reveal the true nature of what happens inside a hive. To solve the problem, he designed a hive that opened like the leaves of a book. In this way, you could make observations of each leaf (frame) of your hive.

Sean Cook
Sean Cook

Proud web aficionado. Hipster-friendly twitter buff. Devoted food aficionado. Certified pop culture buff. Typical beer lover.

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