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  3. Queen Rearing

The Basics of Queen Rearing

A comprehensive article on the process of queen rearing, including techniques, equipment, and the benefits of beekeeping.

The Basics of Queen Rearing

Welcome to our advanced beekeeping class, where we will dive into the fascinating world of queen rearing. Whether you're a seasoned beekeeper or just starting out, understanding the process of queen rearing is essential for the health and success of your colony. In this article, we will cover the basics of queen rearing, including the importance of having a strong and productive queen, the different methods of queen rearing, and how you can incorporate this practice into your beekeeping routine. So let's get started and discover the secrets of successful queen rearing!Queen rearing is the process of producing new queen bees for your colony.

This is necessary because a colony's queen will eventually die or become less productive, and without a new queen, the colony will not survive. In order to keep your bee colonies thriving, it is essential to learn the basics of queen rearing. There are several methods for queen rearing, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The most common methods include grafting, swarm cell production, and using a queen excluder. Grafting involves transferring eggs from a healthy colony into artificial queen cells, which are then placed in a queenless colony.

This method is recommended for beginners as it is the easiest to learn and requires minimal equipment. Swarm cell production, on the other hand, mimics the natural process of bees creating new queens. This method involves creating artificial swarm cells within the colony by removing frames of brood and replacing them with empty frames. While this method may be more challenging for beginners, it is preferred by more experienced beekeepers as it replicates the natural process. Using a queen excluder is another option for queen rearing. This involves placing an excluder between the brood chamber and honey supers, allowing the worker bees to care for the brood while preventing the queen from laying eggs in the honey supers.

This method may be ideal for those looking to produce a large number of queens quickly. When deciding which method to use for queen rearing, it is important to consider your specific needs and level of experience. For beginners, grafting may be the best option as it is simple to learn and requires minimal equipment. However, more experienced beekeepers may prefer swarm cell production as it replicates the natural process of bees creating new queens. In conclusion, queen rearing is an essential aspect of managing bee colonies. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced beekeeper, it is important to learn the basics of queen rearing in order to keep your colonies thriving.

By understanding the different methods and choosing the one that works best for you, you can successfully produce new queens and ensure the health of your bee colonies.


Grafting is a crucial technique in queen rearing that involves transferring a queen larva from one cell to another. This process allows beekeepers to control the genetics of their colonies and produce queens with desirable traits. In this section, we will cover the grafting technique in detail to help you successfully rear your own queens.

Using a Queen Excluder

Queen rearing is an important aspect of beekeeping that helps maintain healthy and productive colonies. One method that is commonly used by beekeepers in queen rearing is the use of queen excluders. A queen excluder is a flat, metal or plastic grid that is placed between the brood chamber and honey supers.

Its purpose is to prevent the queen from laying eggs in the honey supers, which can lead to a decrease in honey production. The spacing of the grid is small enough to allow worker bees to pass through, but not the larger queen bee. When using a queen excluder in queen rearing, it is important to place it correctly. The excluder should be placed above the brood chamber, with the narrow side facing up. This will allow worker bees to move freely between the brood chamber and honey supers, while preventing the queen from entering the honey supers. There are several benefits to using a queen excluder in queen rearing.

It helps keep the brood chamber free of honey, allowing the queen to lay eggs in a controlled area. This makes it easier for beekeepers to locate and transfer queen cells during the rearing process. Additionally, by keeping the queen out of the honey supers, it helps maintain the purity of honey, as well as prevent potential damage to combs from brood rearing. It is important to note that not all beekeepers use queen excluders in their queen rearing methods. Some believe that it can disrupt the natural behavior of the colony and hinder proper brood development.

It is ultimately up to each individual beekeeper to decide whether or not to use a queen excluder in their queen rearing process. In conclusion, using a queen excluder in queen rearing can be a beneficial tool for beekeepers. It helps maintain the health and productivity of colonies by controlling the queen's egg-laying behavior. However, it is important to consider the potential drawbacks and decide if it is the right method for your beekeeping practices.

Swarm Cell Production

Queen rearing is a crucial skill for beekeepers, and one important aspect of this practice is swarm cell production. This technique involves intentionally creating new queen cells in a colony to prevent or control swarming.

Swarming is the natural process where a large group of bees, including the old queen, leaves the hive to form a new colony. To avoid losing a large portion of your bees and possibly your queen, swarm cell production is essential. By creating new queen cells, you can either replace the old queen or divide the colony into two, preventing a swarm from leaving. This technique also allows you to have more control over which genes are passed on to the next generation of bees.

Why is swarm cell production important? Aside from preventing swarming, swarm cell production is also crucial for maintaining a healthy and productive hive. By replacing the old queen with a young and vigorous one, you can ensure that your colony has a strong and productive leader. This can lead to increased honey production and a healthier hive overall.

How to do swarm cell production successfully

The first step in swarm cell production is identifying which colonies are ready for this process.

Look for strong colonies with plenty of worker bees and brood. Once you have selected the right colony, you will need to create space for the new queen cells by removing frames with honey or brood. This will give the bees room to build new cells. Next, you will need to provide the bees with the resources they need to create new queen cells.

This includes a good supply of pollen and nectar, as well as a frame with eggs or very young larvae. The bees will use these eggs or larvae to create new queens. Finally, you will need to monitor the progress of the new queen cells and ensure that they are properly cared for by the worker bees. Once the new queens have emerged, you can either replace the old queen or divide the colony. In conclusion, queen rearing is a crucial skill for any beekeeper to learn.

Not only does it ensure the survival of your colony, but it also allows you to control the genetics of your bees and maintain a healthy and productive hive. By following the proper techniques and using the right equipment, you can successfully rear new queens and continue to enjoy the benefits of beekeeping.

Sean Cook
Sean Cook

Proud web aficionado. Hipster-friendly twitter buff. Devoted food aficionado. Certified pop culture buff. Typical beer lover.

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