How much money do apiaries make?

In the past, most commercial beekeepers made money by producing honey and renting bees for pollination (migratory beekeeping). My beekeeper started out as a worker and worked his way up to become an apiary manager and enjoy the benefits of a higher position in a large beekeeping operation.

How much money do apiaries make?

In the past, most commercial beekeepers made money by producing honey and renting bees for pollination (migratory beekeeping). My beekeeper started out as a worker and worked his way up to become an apiary manager and enjoy the benefits of a higher position in a large beekeeping operation. Depending on how much time and money you can invest in your beekeeping operation up front, there is a great opportunity to make a living from beekeeping alone. In the United States, there are large apiaries that need the help of workers and this is where a person with some experience in caring for bees can be highly demand. Migratory beekeeping is extremely important for farmers, so these beekeepers earn a good amount of money for their services.

Often, the mid-level beekeeper (beekeeper) can save some money by purchasing large quantities of beekeeping equipment, such as frames, foundations or even boxes.

Sean Cook
Sean Cook

Proud web aficionado. Hipster-friendly twitter buff. Devoted food aficionado. Certified pop culture buff. Typical beer lover.

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